Smithfield RSL Service of Alcohol Policy

Smithfield RSL promotes Responsible Service of Alcohol in the best interest of its members, guests, staff and the community.

Smithfield RSL has adopted the following House Practices, which provide the framework for the Responsible Service of Alcohol and the prevention of intoxication:

  • In order to prevent underage drinking, we will require acceptable Proof of Age to be provided when requested.
  • Persons who are believed to be intoxicated will be Refused entry to our premises.
  • We will display and refer to our Intoxication Signs to support our legislative requirements.
  • We will not sell or supply liquor to an intoxicated person. Patrons in this establishment will be refused Service and will be Required to Leave the Premises if they are considered to be intoxicated.
  • We will not allow any indecent, violent or quarrelsome conduct on our premises.
  • All staff will be required to have current RSA competency card prior to employment and will be required to actively identify and notify their Supervisor or Duty Manager of any person they suspect as approaching intoxication.
  • Implementing, monitoring and modifying our House Practices on an on-going basis.
  • Preventing under-age drinking by insisting on the production of acceptable documentation such as a current photo driver’s licence, passport or proof of age card as detailed in the Australian ID Checking Guide.
  • Preventing intoxication by recognising the signs of intoxication and refusing to serve anyone to the point of intoxication.
  • We will deny entry or service to anyone we believe is already intoxicated.
  • Promoting the service of non-alcoholic beverages, low alcohol beers and food.

Our responsible serving practices aim to:

  • Prevent under-age drinking.
  • Prevent intoxication.
  • Prevent violent or disruptive behaviour.
  • Prevent drink driving.